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<title>Help : Boot-Suite v2.30i - (The Complete Package)</title>
<h1> Boot-Suite v2.30i - (The Complete Package) </h1>
<h2> Multi-user setups for your acorn - Main Help File </h2>
<br> Boot-Suite: by Robert R. Chasmer - © 1992-97 KAOS productions
<br> Text viewer: by Ian Jeffray, - © 1994-96 Oregan Software Developments
<p> Boot-suite is FREEWARE and is being distributed via the internet through
various ftp sites, though copyright of Boot-suite remains mine. Please SEE
<h2> Boot-Suite - Version Control. </h2>
<br> Application Name: The complete package
<br> Programs job: To allow bootsuite to be distributed.
<br> Version: 2.30i (internet)
<br> Last_updated: 15/12/96
<br> First writen on: 31/08/94
<br> Written by: R.R.Chasmer (KAOS)
<br> WWW Support: http://www.city.ac.uk/~cb159/arc_file.html
<br> Credits: See below.
<h2> Bootsuite - Description. </h2>
<br> This package allows several Acorn users to each have a customised boot
up procedure on a single machine. This is accomplished by boot-suite initially
asking for a UserID and Password when the machine is reset without a user logged
on. Once a user has logged on !Boot will then run the corrosponding 'Desktop
<br><br> Boot-Suite is intended to be used as a single package. By using the
installer your machine may be configured, enabling you to quickly make use of
the facilities that this package provides.
<br><br><b> Features include:-</b>
<br> • Desktop filer protection, allowing those all important boot files to be
kept safe from prying eyes.
<br> • Two levels of overall security access, normal user & super user.
<br> • Automatic logging of users activities which include times & dates.
<br> • Easy to use configuration applciation, allowing superusers to quickly
customise the environment within which boot-suite runs.
<br> • The Logoff procedure is integrated into Risc OS 3's shutdown procedure.
An extra utility is also provided whereby novice users have access to a shutdown
<br> • Modular design enables programmers to extend and alter the way the
system works.
<br> • Continued support, it is my hope that this package will be continualy
developed, inorder to provide system that will match peoples changing needs.
<br> • [Wimp] programmers library, allowing you to quickly devlop your own
RISC OS applications.
<br><br> !Boot survives all resets including power down, so a UserID & password
will not have to be entered after every reset. The only time that another
UserID & password is asked for is after the user has called a shutdown.
<h2> Logging On (08/10/95) </h2>
<br> When no users are logged on and the machine is reset, !Password is run.
!Password requests the user to enter a 'User ID' and then 'Password'. If valid
the user will then be logged on and the appropriate desktop bootfiles run.
All subsequent resets will not require a 'User ID' or 'Password' as the user
is already known allowing the appropriate desktop bootfiles to be run again.
(see !Password for more info).
<h2> Logging Off (20/01/97) </h2>
<br> A shutdown can be achieved by many methods when a user is logged on:-
<br> 1) Usual RISC OS 3.1 way. (Ctrl-Shift-F12).
<br> 2) Clicking 'Shutdown' on the Task menu.
<br> 3) Hold down 'S' after a reset
<br> 4) Double click on the !LogOff icon in the filer
<br> 5) Enter *ShutDown from the command line.
<br> 6) Use !Q_LogOff applet for novices.
<br> (see !Log_Off for more info).
<h2> Options (17/04/95) </h2>
<br> Boot-suites various configurations can be altered & users added/removed
using !BootOpt.
<br> Options include: Name, address, log users path, log requests path, auto
logOff, filer protection on/off.
<br> (see !BootOpt for more info).
<h2> Logging Users Activities (06/09/94) </h2>
<br> All user activities can be recorded. Activities include: Logging on, &
logging off. This can be configured for use in !BootOpt.
<br> (see !!BootInfo for more info).
<h2> !Service (06/09/94) </h2>
<br> This allows users to greated with a service message before !Password is
run. This area of boot-suite is very under-developed and is not really
suported in this version.
<br> (see !Service for more info).
<h2> Star commands (06/07/95) </h2>
<br> *HourG [ON|OFF|ONP|OFFP|<number>] allows control of the hourglass.
<br> *MouseStep <number> allows control of the mouse pointer speed.
<br> Filer protection provides two star commands, the current names of these
can be interogated using !Boot_Opt. Note: Only superusers can use !Boot_Opt.
<h2> Filer protection (06/07/95) </h2>
<br> Filer protection is provided. This simply prevents files within the !Boot
directory being altered in any way. Only superusers can view & edit files,
although a star command can be used to toggle the filer protections effect.
In some cases any user can run and see files, but the system prevents changes
being made. At other times users will see only an empty filer display on
directories that are fully protected. On a Risc-PC the acorn boot system is
also protected.
<h2> Boot files (06/09/94) </h2>
<br> All bootfiles that may require altering are held in the Choices directory
within 'Boot-suites' !Boot. It's best to experiment your-self as to how to
use the files, examples are given in the files.
<br><br> There is a Users directory, this should contain desktop bootfiles for
each user. These can be created using the task menu. Users can be allocated
files using !BootOpt.
<br><br> NOTE: The layout of 'Boot-suites' !Boot is similar to acorns Risc-PC
!Boot. When used on a RISC-PC, the bootfiles in acorns choices directory will
also be used. Thus !BootStart, !DeskStart, !RunStart, do not have to be used.
BUT all multiuser specific options should be kept in these files.
<h2> Credits must go to:- (19/01/97) </h2>
<br> • R.R.Chasmer (KAOS), for virtually the whole thing.
<br> • TFP!, (The Flying Pig) for the original directory protection.
<br> • Joe Talor, (Liber Abaci Software) for the [Wimp] library
<br> • Empire Software for the 'FloozGo' sound sample in !☓_Ready, taken from
<br> the Pipe Mania game (I hope that doesn't upset anyone).
<br> • D.Robinson for the logon greeting, !Hello v1.0.
<br> • Acorn for there !Boot application.
<br> • QTM (Quantum) for inspiration for this text file.
<br> • Dick Alstein for !TemplEd, which I used to design all my template files.
<br> • Ian Jeffray (Oregan Software Developments) for the HTML help reader.
<br> • Rangar Hafstad & Dick Alstein (again) for !BasCrunch, which saves helps
<br> save memory by compressing strcutured readable basic.
<br> • Mathew Bolton & Peter Chasmer for being willing to test alpha copies
<br> of Boot-Suite.
<br> • To anyone i've missed, with a special thanks to the original authors of
<br> the various sprites that I've re-touched.
<h2> Things new in release 2.10: - (19/04/95) </h2>
<br> • Option to turn off case sensitive logins
<br> • Supports Super Users, allowing only superusers to use the !BootOpt
<br> • Now uses Risc OS 3's 3d borders rather than the slower interface module.
<br> • Sadly, support for Risc OS 2 is no longer given.
<br> • Newer look logon screen.
<br> • HTML help pages, replace the former textual ones.
<br> • A little bit of text added to the help pages, (still need re-writing
<br> • A number of minor changes that have escaped my mind at the moment.
<br> • BootInfo has been re-writen, allowing the text file to be somewhere else,
and text to be printed.
<h2> Things new in release 2.11: - (28/04/95) </h2>
<br> • Bug fix in !Password, pointer boundary code was missing.
<br> • Choices for RPC version now live in !Boot.Choices.BootSuite.
<br> • Various !Run files updated.
<br> • Most link files tidied up.
<br> • !☓_Ready moved to utils, with a link file put in the RiscPC Tasks.
<br> • !B_INSTALL, tidyed up to make manual instalations easier.
<br> • !B_REMOVE, a new application that will remove a !B_INSTALL instalation.
<h2> Things new in release 2.12: - (06/07/95) </h2>
<br> • Bug fix in [Handles], superuser protection was disabled in
<br> • Better ERROR handling, now uses restore correctly.
<br> • Bug in !Log_Off fixed, auto logoff's generated an error.
<br> • Help files adjusted so as to better describe bootsuite as package.
<br> • !Q-Log_off, a new application to allow novice users to log off more
<br> • !B_INSTALL, now sets the system variables to the installed directory
after instalation.
<br> • !BootOpt, minor template changes were needed to accomodate for the
system font.
<h2> Things new in release 2.30: - (20/01/97) </h2>
<br> • Builds archive no longer included with distribuitions.
<br> • A stray template file has been removed from !B_Remove
(how it got there, I will never know?).
<br> • [Wimp] version 1.14 now used though out, including !B_Remove which
had a very old version it it.
<br> • Anoyning aliases, to be used on my machine only, have been removed.
!BootStart, !Deskstart and !RunStart. & Descriptions in !Start files changed.
<br> • !Default & !Guest users now only filer_opens the !Apps directory.
<br> • Initial log file now no longer includes the re-build descriptions.
<br> • !BootOpt now gets the icon bar menu in the correct place.
<br> • !BootInfo now has an icon bar menu.
<br> • !BootInfo doesn't do a wimp filerprotect when superusers are logged in.
<br> • !BootInfo can now display information about the current user logged in.
<br> • The superuser can specify the location off all read/write files.
<br> • Boot-suite will now happily work on protected drives, e.g FS-LOCK.
<br> • !BootOpt now has a view 'Boot-Suite Utilities' menu option.
<br> • Help reader now StrongArm awair - thanks to Ian Jeffray.
<br> • Various changes for use with Risc OS 3.6 & 3.7.
<br> • A home directory system where each user can be allocated there
own directory space to save personal files etc.
<br> • User Logged on info for Risc OS Banner altered for use with Risc OS 3.7
<br> • System files can now be backed up, allowing automatic restores.
<br> • Installer warns about quitting applications before proceeding.
<br> • Utilites menu is provided in !ShowHome providing a few more shortcuts.
<br> • !SetPass a user password changer applet.
<br> • !Boot.System dir is now also protected by filer protection
<br> • IFThere command provided for pre ROS360 machines.
<br> • Tab & Shift tab now works on writable icons.
<br> • Scrolling of choices window is now automatic when using keys to navigate.
<br> • Users do not now have to have passwords. Eg. specifying blank ones, means
!Password will not ask for one at login.
<br> • A guest user is now provided as standard.
<br> • Many minor bugs mended.
<h2> Things to do (in order of importance): - (21/01/97) </h2>
<br> • Add exclusion directories to the filer locking scheme, to avoid the
problem of !scrap living inside !Boot on a Risc PC.
<br> • Protect the home directorys so that other users cannot alter or view
other users files.
<br> • Itergrate more closely with FS-LOCK, so some users can automatically
unlock hard-disks.
<br> • !Service could be upgraded, and a helpfile written on how to use it.
This is unlikely to be implemented and is only included as a development
application, for use by programmers. (Not likely to ever be changed)
<h2> Current utility version numbers: - (20/01/97) </h2>
<br> • <a href="!RunBSHelp">Boot-Suite 2.30 20/01/97 Yes</a>
<br> • <a href="!RunAIHelp">!B_INSTALL 1.15 12/01/97 Yes</a>
<br> • <a href="!RunARHelp">!B_REMOVE 1.02 17/01/97 Yes</a>
<br> • <a href="!RunBIHelp">!BootInfo 2.04 08/12/96 Yes</a>
<br> • <a href="!RunBOHelp">!BootOpt 1.25 19/01/97 Yes</a>
<br> • <a href="!RunBPHelp">!Password 2.30 17/01/97 Yes</a>
<br> • <a href="!RunSHHelp">!ShowHome 1.03 17/01/97 Yes</a>
<br> • !DeskUsers 1.06 08/12/96 No
<br> • !HourGlass 1.07 13/03/95 No
<br> • !Log_Off 2.04 08/12/96 No
<br> • !MouseStep 1.03 18/04/95 No
<br> • !Q-Log_Off 1.04 12/01/97 No
<br> • !RootDrive 1.00 01/09/94 No
<br> • !Service 1.16 08/12/96 No
<br> • !SetPass 1.01 19/01/97 No
<br> • !ShowUser 1.05 19/11/96 No
<br> • !X_Ready 1.03 28/04/95 No
<br> • [Handles] 1.23 17/11/96 No
<br> • [Support] 1.00 19/11/96 No
<br> • [Wimp] 1.12 17/11/96 No
<h2> Conditions of use (06/07/95) - internet </h2>
<br> Boot-suite is FREEWARE and is being distributed via the internet through
various ftp sites, though copyright of Boot-suite remains mine. This copy may
only be distributed via the internet!
<br><br> A lot of time and effort has gone into the making of Boot-suite so I
would be grateful if you would follow the conditions below for the distribution
and use of this package.
<br><br> The entire Boot-suite package, (which includes !Boot, !!BootInfo,
!BootOpt, !Log_Off, !Password, !Q-Log_Off, !Request, !Service, etc.) may be
distributed freely by any bulletin board and by anyone else with a copy of it,
providing that ALL the files are included and remain unaltered (except, that
is, for the 'Choices' directory and contents.
<br><br> PD libaries and alike, may only distribute this program, after
explicit permission by me the author using one of the contact methods listed
bellow. The maximum any libary may charge for a disk containing any part of
Boot-suite is two uk pounds.
<h2> Contact methods (08/12/96) </h2>
<br> Any comments, extentions, PD, or money would be grately appreciated.
<br> Contact me:-
<br> Robert R. Chasmer (KAOS productions)
<br> 13 Ferndale Crescent
<br> Canvey Island
<br> Essex
<br> SS8 0AR
<br> Phone: 0378 958871
<br> E-mail: chas@city.ac.uk
<br> WWW: http://www.city.ac.uk/~cb159/